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We ❤️ openness

We want to build the best extension to Apple's native toolchain, and we believe we can only do so by embracing openness. Born in the open-source community, openness has shaped how we think, build, and share our work at Tuist.

Some projects and companies fear openness, worrying about losing control or being outcompeted. We don’t. The world is diverse, and building a solution that embraces that diversity requires creating a foundation where everyone can contribute. Openness enables this. By being open, we learn, collaborate, and build technology that is human-centered, enduring, and impactful.

Being open also makes us accountable. It forces us to justify our decisions, share our motivations, and craft transparently. Does this take time? Yes. But Rome wasn’t built in a day. Many tools will come and go, using capital to outcompete others or locking organizations into proprietary systems. That’s not us. We’re building something different—a company grounded in the values of open source, even if it takes longer.

Open Source Software (OSS)

At the heart of Tuist is our CLI, an MIT-licensed, Swift-based tool that serves as the main interface to Tuist. We’ve extracted commodities like XcodeProj, a library to manipulate Xcode projects and workspaces, and XcodeGraph, a tool to model Xcode project graphs, which Tuist uses internally.

Other open-source projects we’re working on include:

While not everything we do is open source, we continuously evaluate opportunities to open more of our work.

Open source is not just a marketing strategy—it’s our philosophy.

Open handbook

To sustain our users and support the ecosystem, Tuist evolved into a business. As first-time entrepreneurs, we codify our learnings and decisions in our Handbook, which is publicly accessible.

The handbook is our DNA. It shows how we work, make decisions, and envision the future. It also promotes asynchronous collaboration by reducing dependencies on individuals. Contributions to the handbook are welcome as we strive to improve it together.

Open community forum

Our community forum is a space for users, maintainers, and contributors to exchange ideas, ask questions, and share experiences. We believe in fostering a diverse community where everyone can participate early in shaping Tuist’s direction.

Crafting software isn’t something we do in isolation. Instead, we collaborate openly, inviting others to contribute to our mission of enhancing the Apple developer experience. While money can shortcut some paths, it can’t buy the momentum and value created by a vibrant community.

Open standards

We embrace open standards and, when necessary, create them—like XcodeGraph. Open standards enable others to build on our work and ensure users can transition to other tools if needed. The only vendor lock-in at Tuist comes from users loving the product, not from restrictive design choices.

Open API

Our REST API is public and documented. While we’re currently the primary consumers, we plan to enable developers to build on top of it. We believe in giving organizations control over their data and empowering developers with the tools to create better solutions. APIs are a common denominator for the best solutions, and we aim to be no different.

We’re continually exploring what it means to be an open company in the Apple developer tooling space. Drawing inspiration from projects like GitLab, Grafana, Elastic, and Posthog, we’re building a collaborative, human-centered, and lasting project.

Is it possible? We believe so. The seeds of openness are already blooming.